Egypt Bugs: A Traveler’s Guide to Insects to Expect

Egypt’s diverse ecosystem, encompassing deserts, the Nile River, and coastal areas, presents opportunities and challenges. The arid desert regions host resilient plant and animal species adapted to harsh conditions, while the fertile Nile Delta supports vital agricultural activity.

Coastal ecosystems along the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea contribute to marine biodiversity. However, natural hazards like sandstorms, heat waves, and occasional flash floods highlight the importance of effective visiting preparation.

In the midst of Egypt’s beauty lies the bugs that most travelers must be aware of before visiting. From mosquitoes, flies, and ants, to scorpion in the desert. Most travelers inquire about bugs in Egypt, seeking information on precautions against insect-related health risks and the types of insects prevalent in different regions.

Questions like, ‘What bugs can you expect in Egypt?‘ and ‘Can I carry bug spray?‘ are common among travelers visiting Egypt. This post delves into the world of Egypt’s insects, offering detailed insights into the species one might encounter. From the iconic scarab beetles to the ever-persistent mosquitoes, we provide valuable information on the diverse insects addressing common health concerns and offer practical tips for preventing bugs.

We aim to equip you with the knowledge to navigate Egypt’s ecological intricacies confidently, ensuring your exploration is a seamless blend of fascination and comfort.

Is there a lot of mosquitoes in Egypt?

Yes, mosquitoes are quite prevalent in Egypt, with their abundance closely linked to water sources, especially the Nile River. The convergence of the Nile with the Mediterranean in the Nile Delta and the marshy terrains create ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Even the Aswan High Dam, constructed for flood control, inadvertently contributes to mosquito habitats in its reservoir, Lake Nasser.

Given the importance of irrigation in Egypt’s arid climate, standing water in canals and fields becomes breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

This heightened presence of mosquitoes in Nile-adjacent regions raises health concerns, leading Egypt to implement various measures.

These include using insecticides, mosquito nets, public health campaigns, and managing water bodies to minimize mosquito breeding.

Egypt Bugs

Times of the year when mosquitoes are most active

Mosquito activity can vary based on climate, temperature, and local conditions.

In Egypt, mosquitoes are generally most active during the warmer months, which typically coincide with summer.

Travelers are advised to take precautions, such as wearing appropriate clothing and using repellents, as mosquitoes can transmit diseases like;

  • Malaria
  • Dengue virus
  • Rift Valley fever virus
  • West Nile virus
  • Chikungunya virus
  • Sindbis virus

Should I bring bug spray to Egypt?

Bringing a bug spray to Egypt is advisable, especially if you plan to spend time outdoors or in areas where mosquitoes are prevalent. Like many warm and tropical regions, Egypt has mosquitoes that may carry diseases or transmit other illnesses. Using insect repellent can help protect you from mosquito bites and reduce the risk of contracting mosquito-borne diseases.

Bug sprays, particularly those designed to repel mosquitoes, offer several benefits in preventing mosquito bites. Here are some of the advantages:

  • Mosquito Bite Prevention: The primary function of bug spray is to repel mosquitoes and other insects, reducing the likelihood of being bitten. Mosquitoes are known vectors for various diseases, so preventing bites can reduce the risk of these illnesses.
  • Protection Against Itching and Discomfort: Bug bites can be itchy and uncomfortable. Bug sprays help prevent these bites, reducing the need for scratching and minimizing the risk of skin infections.
  • Disease Prevention: In regions where mosquito-borne diseases are prevalent, using bug spray can contribute to public health by reducing the transmission of diseases from mosquitoes to humans. This is especially important in areas where diseases like malaria are endemic.
  • Protects Against Other Insects: Bug sprays often repel various insects, not just mosquitoes. This can be beneficial in areas where other biting or stinging insects are prevalent, such as ticks, fleas, and flies.
  • Outdoor Enjoyment: Bug spray enables people to enjoy outdoor activities, such as camping, hiking, picnics, and barbecues, without constant interruptions from mosquitoes. It enhances the outdoor experience by providing a more comfortable and enjoyable environment.
  • Convenience and Ease of Use: Bug sprays are generally easy to apply and convenient to carry. They come in various forms, including aerosols, lotions, and pump sprays, making it easy for individuals to choose a product that best suits their preferences.

Bug sprays are not limited to repelling mosquitoes; they can also be effective against insects like flies, fleas, gnats, ticks, and other biting insects.

Here are some recommendations:

  • DEET-Based Bug Sprays
  • Picaridin-Based Bug Sprays
  • Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE) Products

Are bug sprays available in local Stores?

Bug sprays are available in local stores, especially in urban areas and tourist destinations. In popular tourist spots, you can find supermarkets, pharmacies, and convenience stores that stock various insect-repellent products. Brands that are internationally recognized may also be available.

However, the availability and selection might vary in more rural areas.

The formulations and concentrations of active ingredients could differ from what you are accustomed to, so if you have specific preferences or requirements, it might be advisable to bring your bug spray.

Dangerous Insects in Egypt


Fat-tailed scorpions, one of the world’s deadliest types, are present, particularly in the desert.

Growing up to 9 cm, these scorpions, notably the black fat-tail, carry venom capable of causing human fatalities within an hour.

They hide in desert burrows and under rocks. They hide during the day and become active at night.

Safety Precautions

  • Shake out clothing, shoes, and bedding before use.
  • Use a flashlight at night, especially in areas where scorpions are known to inhabit.
  • Wear protective clothing like closed-toe shoes and long sleeves when exploring desert areas.
  • Check and Seal Entry Points. Seal gaps and cracks to prevent scorpions from entering.
  • Reduce hiding spots for scorpions by minimizing clutter and keeping living spaces tidy.
  • If stung, seek medical attention immediately, especially if dealing with a potentially dangerous species. Follow first aid measures while waiting for professional help.


The Black Widow and the Brown Widow Spiders are two venomous spiders in Egypt.

Black Widows shelter under dimly lit locations such as dark corners, basements, and cluttered areas.

Brown Widows prefer outdoor environments, including gardens and entryway corners.

Safety Precautions

  • Wear long-sleeved shirts, long trousers, and closed shoes, especially when exploring outdoor environments.
  • Inspect the room for any signs of spiders or webs when checking into the accommodation. Inspect dark corners, closets, and areas that are less frequently cleaned.
  • Before putting on clothes or shoes, give them a good shake to dislodge potential spiders.
  • Use luggage racks or elevate your luggage to reduce the chances of spiders crawling into your belongings.
  • Use Insecticides

Ants and Beetles

Various species of ants and beetles exist, but most are not considered dangerous.

These insects can deliver painful bites, and some beetles may cause skin irritation.

While generally not harmful, any insect bite can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.

Ant species include Monomorium dentatum and Monomorium pharaonis. On the other hand, beetles include scarab beetles.

Safety precaution

  • Be cautious when near ant nests, especially large colonies.
  • Wear closed shoes to minimize the risk of ant or beetle bites.
  • Avoid provoking or disturbing ant nests or colonies.


Egypt is home to several venomous snakes, including the highly dangerous Cobra, known for its lethal bite. Other venomous snakes include the Saharan Horned Viper and Red Spitting Cobra.

Safety Precautions

  • Be cautious when walking in areas with tall grass, rocks, or other places where snakes may hide.
  • Closed-toe shoes and long pants can provide some protection against snake bites.
  • Snakes are often more active at night; use a flashlight to help you spot them and avoid stepping on or near them.
  • Keep a Safe Distance: If you encounter a snake, maintain a safe distance and do not attempt to handle it.
  • In the event of a snakebite, seek immediate medical attention.

5 Tips for Travelers: How to Deal with Bugs

Dealing with bugs while traveling is important to ensuring a comfortable and safe trip. Here are some tips to help you handle bugs effectively.

Dress Appropriately

Dressing appropriately is crucial to minimize skin exposure and reduce the risk of bug bites. Wear long sleeves, long trousers, and closed shoes to provide a physical barrier, preventing insects from reaching your skin.

Use Bed Nets

Treated bed nets can be highly effective in certain tropical or mosquito-prone accommodations.

Bed nets create a protective barrier around your sleeping area, preventing insects from reaching you during the night. Make sure the nets are properly tucked in and free of holes.

Check Shoes and Bedding before use

Before using any shoes or bedding, inspecting them for bugs thoroughly is important.

Insects like spiders or scorpions can sometimes hide in shoes, while bed linens may harbor bedbugs or other pests.

Vigilance in checking these items can help prevent unpleasant surprises.

Stay Informed and Aware

Being informed about the local bug situation is crucial for travelers.

Different regions may have specific insects that pose unique challenges.

Stay updated on the types of bugs present, their behavior, and any potential health risks associated with their bites.

This is especially important when venturing into more rural or desert areas where certain insects may be prevalent.

Use Insect Repellent

Applying insect repellent is a proactive measure to deter bugs from biting. Choose a repellent that is effective against the specific insects in the area you’re visiting.

Apply a repellent to exposed skin and clothing, following the product instructions carefully.