In every corner of the globe, flies tend to be an extremely prevalent insect. There are around 60,000 known fly species worldwide, and so many people find them disgusting or repulsive. However, there are certain places where flies’ presence is particularly high. Australia is one such place. So why do so many Flies live in Australia?
In truth, several specific reasons you may see so many flies in Australia compared to other countries. Keep reading to learn more about why there are so many flies in Australia!
Here’s why there are so many flies in Australia
The first major reason you may see so many flies in Australia is that they naturally proliferate. This means that flies can breed quickly and increase their numbers at a high rate. In addition, flies also have a very long lifespan – they can often live for several months or even years.

Does Australia have more flies compared to other countries?
Australia does have more flies than many other places in the world. This is because Australian flies have a specific breeding cycle that falls in the middle of the year.
You see, in Australia, the biggest and busiest time for flies is from the middle of spring to the middle of summer. This is also when there are the most plants in Australia, meaning that there is plenty of food for the flies to eat.
This is why you see so many flies in Australia during this period. However, flies can sustain themselves on decaying matter, meaning that they will be just as prevalent during the rest of the year.
Australia has more than 30,000 species of flies, including house flies, bush flies, and blowflies. According to research, flies are usually attracted to warmer and wetter climates.
All fly species are affected by cold weather. As a result, fly occurrence in Australia is seasonal and is only severe for 2-3 months in the early summer.
However, this depends on what area of the country you are in. Since northern Australia is constantly warm, it attracts most flies all year round, and usually, their number increases after heavy rains.
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Typical areas in Australia with lots of flies
The Outback is one of the areas in Australia that is more infested with flies than other areas. This is because the area has multiple grazing areas that attract a massive swarm of flies.
Flies are rampant in Central Australia, but they are also drawn in this region for the same reasons.
Central Australia is home to most cattle producers that have also encouraged the growth of flies in the area by providing them with manure and other pet droppings that favor the growth of all fly species.
Flies are so rampant in these areas that the inhabitants are forced to wear fly nets for the first time.
The inhabitants claim flies might infest these areas due to a decline in dung beetles that feed on flies. However, most people in these areas are hopeful that the increasing number of flies signifies a good season.
6 ways to repel flies
There are several natural fly repellents in your pantry that you can use to manage the flies roaming your backyard and kitchen.
Some of these repellents include peppermint, cinnamon (in the form of an air freshener), cloves, and basil.
However, it is more challenging to pack all the required ingredients when camping in fly-infested regions. Some of the natural repellents that you may apply when camping in the outback include:
Rosemary and cedarwood crème
A tub of Rosemary and cedarwood cream costs between $20 and $30, but it works and lasts for longer. It is more challenging to locate than typical insect repellents, but it is worth looking for.
The simplest way to purchase a bottle of Rosemary and cedarwood creme is to go to eBay and get one.
Interestingly, Rosemary and cedarwood also keep flies away from horses. Therefore, it is worth spending some money on the product if a horse accompanies you to the Outback.
Clean garbage cans thoroughly and frequently.
Garbage cans are by far the most significant attractor of flies. In garbage cans, flies lay their eggs, transforming into disgusting maggots that make us want to gag a little. The most crucial action you can take is to maintain clean trash cans.
Outback is a hot and humid area, explaining why it is typically infested with a swarm of flies.
Flies naturally attract outdoor and indoor trash cans if any decaying material is present. As a result, regular and thorough trash can cleaning is required.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar attracts flies like magnets. Mix equal portions of apple cider vinegar and natural liquid soap in a container.
The solution creates a layer of surface tension that lures flies to a single area of the room, making the rest of the room fly accessible.
Basil naturally repels flies.
You can naturally and effectively repel flies with basil essential oil, or you can also use the basil plant. However, this option is exclusively suitable for the people living in the Outback.
They can plant basil in their gardens and around other plants.
This will not only keep pesky flies from their houses and feces but also keeps them away from their gardens, preventing them from destroying vegetable plants and fruit trees.
Alternatively, they can place a potted basil plant on tables or countertops inside the house. Essential basil oil can be sprayed on common fly breeding grounds, including around windows.
If you decide to utilize this alternative, dilute the oil with a carrier oil before application. Additionally, basil leaves can repel flies and insects from tiny indoor spaces when dried and crushed.
Avoid wearing perfumes
While we all like wearing perfumes when we go out for trips, it is not advisable to wear or carry perfume when visiting the Outback.
Flies are attracted to sweet aromas and will naturally cover your face and body if you’re wearing perfume. As a result, not wearing cologne or fragrance prevents you from attracting flies.
Use rue as a fly deterrent.
Rue is also a natural herb that significantly keeps flies away in its raw form as an essential oil.
Since the product has been reported to be quite effective in keeping flies away, it can be applied near food, sitting areas, and plants.
Where do these flies come from?
Some of the flies in Australia are imported. In particular, the Australian sheep fly is an invasive species in Australia.
This fly has been imported to Australia from South America, where it primarily lives. As a result, these flies are particularly common in the southern parts of Australia, where they’ve been able to proliferate quickly.
Other than these particular species, though, all of the flies in Australia are native species.
As we’ve discussed, Australia is prime fly territory. There’s plenty of food and resources for these insects to thrive, meaning they’ve been living in Australia for a long time.
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When it comes to why there are so many flies in Australia, the answer is pretty straightforward. There are high numbers of flies in Australia because they have a very long lifespan, can multiply quickly, and can sustain themselves on decaying matter.
In addition, some flies have been imported to Australia from other parts of the world. There are many types of flies in Australia, and the Australian fly is a native species. These factors make it clear why there are so many flies in Australia and why they can thrive almost year-round.