To be prepared for long hikes, most hikers will tell you that you need a waterproof shoe with a hard shell and ankle support. While those characteristics might be useful in some situations, you feel more connected to nature when trekking in moccasins.
Moccasins are more lightweight and comfy than hiking boots. Of course, the reason for this is that hiking boots are designed to protect you. Moccasins, however, are the greatest alternative for people looking for a near-barefoot, peaceful hiking experience.
Ultralight packers and trekkers looking for a comfortable camp shoe may also give it a try. Do not forget that moccasins were the original all-purpose shoe in America. You can hike for kilometers in them and store them in your bag as a lightweight camp shoe. So, let’s have a look at a few of the best!

The best 4 Moccasins for hiking
Moccasins are a great alternative to hiker’s boots. They can be as lightweight as sneakers and more comfortable than any other type of shoe.
The soft rubber soles give them more traction than other types of shoes and they can also be waterproofed.
Here are the best four moccasins for hiking you should consider.
Best Overall: Minnetonka Classic Fringe Moccasin Boot
There are higher-quality moccasins available, but not at this pricing. For nearly 75 years, Minnetonka has been producing some of the best moccasins. This pair is constructed entirely of cow leather and fits snugly around the ankle to keep unwanted particles out.
They’re also half the price of hand-made moccasins found almost anywhere else. What is best about them is how comfy they are despite the lack of cheap, synthetic cushioning on the inside. Some come with a thin insole, but it is removable.
These are your mocs if you prefer to hike barefoot with a soft and durable layer of protection. They’re fantastic for trekking, but you can wear them everywhere else as well. They are true to size, but they will shrink slightly with time because they are leather.

Most Comfortable: Moose Hide Moccasin Boot by Bastien Industries
This shoe has two drawbacks: it is more expensive than the Minnetonkas, and some people have complained that the width is too narrow.
However, if you are willing to pay a little more and do not have broad feet, these are the type of shoes that you may wear for years if you are willing to redo their sole from time to time.
When we talk about comfort, we’re not talking about the cushiony synthetic foam seen in a lot of shoes. The moccasin is entirely constructed of moose hide and has no additional cushioning.
Earthing Boot by Moccasins Canada
This is another moose hide shoe created for grounding and hiking similar in price and material to the Bastien pair. Again, because it’s a relatively unknown company, you’ll have to pay a little extra. However, the most durable moccasins are those created by smaller men.
Best Rubber-Soled: Sundance Leather
The soles provide a little extra protection and tend to last a little longer. The disadvantage, of course, is that you will not have the same earthing experience. However, you won’t need to redo your mocs soles as frequently, so it’s a tradeoff.
The exterior is made entirely of cowhide, while the sole is made entirely of natural crepe rubber (a latex blend that is commonly used to make shoe soles). In terms of the insole, both synthetic and all-leather alternatives are offered.
All moosehide moccasins are preferred; after all, hikers use this shoe and are delighted with it. Check to select Sundance Leather if you’re not an earther and prefer the most durable alternative.
Best 2 Moccasins Brands
Bastien Industries
Although Bastien may not have the reputation of other larger companies, there is a lot to like about these shoes. For one thing, the moose hide has a spongy texture.
In terms of comfort, I prefer it over cowhide. Second, the ankle support is superior to that of most mocs, and the fact that they lace up makes them a little more secure.
They are marketed as good earthing moccasin, which means transmitting electricity from the earth using your body. Because leather is a conductor, the Bastien’s could be a suitable alternative if that’s what you’re looking for.
Moccasins Canada
Because of their quietness and durability, several people like to hunt in these shoes. And they are the types of guys who side hills across rocky terrain and pack out large beasts. It is considered second only to the Bastien’s for two minor reasons: appearance and fit. If your feet are slightly wider than typical and don’t mind the look, this footwear is for you.
See related: Best 6 Mountaineering Boots For Wide Feet
Are Moccasins good for hiking?
Yes! Moccasins are also lighter and more comfortable than hiking boots. To give your feet that warm and snug feeling, authentic moccasins can be lined with soft, velvety fleece or sheepskin.
When selecting whether or not to wear moccasins when hiking, it is critical to weigh the benefits and drawbacks. Some of these advantages include greater stability than high-heeled boots, a reduced load for your backpack, and enhanced traction over rough terrain.
On the other hand, they may be more difficult to walk in, and their lower profile means less protection from rocks or trees poking out of the ground as you walk on your hike.
One of the most important considerations is how well they grip on slippery surfaces, which is important in certain situations.
One significant disadvantage of moccasins is that they are not as durable as boots. They are, nevertheless, more comfortable and appropriate for hiking in hotter areas.
However, many hikers continue to use them, although they could slip and fall independently. This is because moccasins have a lot of grips, which stops you from slipping even on a wet and muddy trail.
Moccasins were initially created with a rubber sole to help people to walk across the wet and muddy ground without slipping. Leather soles eventually replaced rubber soles since they wore out quickly due to their ability to absorb water.
See related: Are Cowboy Boots Good For Hiking? & Best Footwear For Water Creek And River Crossings
Can I hike with Moccasins in rough terrain?
It is advisable to hike with Moccasins in rough terrain. Moccasins are typically made with hard soles that are protective of your feet. They are meant to withstand walking over rough terrain.
Choosing the correct hiking shoe is critical to having a good time on your journey. They should be made of lightweight fabrics that are comfortable to wear for extended periods and supportive and waterproof.
This assures that you will not be in a situation where a terrible shoe could result in significant injury or ruin your trip.
Hiking footwear is vital for hiking because it protects your feet from natural hazards like rocks and tree roots while also offering comfort and traction on the trail. The type of shoe you buy will be determined by the type of hike you intend to take.
That is why it is advisable to go hiking on rough terrains with Moccasins unless you want to come out of the hike with sore feet.
Can I hike with Moccasins in all weather?
You can hike with Moccasins in dry weather like summer and spring; however, you shouldn’t hike with Moccasins in cold and wet weather like winter since their soles, made out of animal hide, can suck in water and tear.
However, Moccasins are made with many grips that can prevent you from slipping and falling on wet or slippery surfaces.
However, these are customized ones, so you should avoid hiking with Mocs in winter unless you own a pair.
Are Moccasins comfortable?
Due to their design, they are quite easy to slip in and out of. They are also quite comfortable as a result of this. The ideal pair of moccasins will help you to walk naturally and comfortably.
Your moccasins should have some flexibility in the soles to provide adequate comfort. Flexibility is rarely an issue with leather soles. Natural leather will flex as much as you require for a comfortable fit.
The hardness of the sole influences how well you can walk in the shoes. This is why the amount of comfort in your mocs should be determined by the application. A soft-soled moccasin, for example, is ideal for interior use but will be uncomfortable for driving or outside strolling.
The softer the sole, the less protection it offers your foot. The materials utilized in the soles affect your walking and comfort levels. Moccasin soles are often constructed of rubber, leather, or a combination of the two materials.
Remember that the material will soften over time if you use moccasins with leather soles. They are usually stiff the first few times you wear them, especially if they are made of full-grain leather. The leather softens over time, conforming to the shape of your foot.
Bottom Line
Moccasins are made of soft and flexible fabrics to create a snug and pleasant fit. On cold days, they provide warmth and breathability while also guarding against the elements. They are good footwear for hiking since they are light and comfortable.
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